In Spirals
WE ARE CELEBRATING 1 whole year of IN SPIRALS with you!
As an anniversary gift the interactive special booklet is now available as a FREE pdf for you to download.
At the beginning of 2020 I received an inquiry from the Planetarium Vienna to play a special show with visuals from the universe. For days I locked myself in the rehearsal room and created an unique, intimate sound, using various instruments and a loopstation.
Carried by a wave of inspiration that began with the Planetarium concerts, I now present my debut album of the same name, In Spirals.
The musical language I explore reaches from mellow Jazz harmonies to groovy, earthy beats, spherical timbres, and poetic lyrics. As a symbol for the circular dynamics of life and the infinity of the universe — the feeling of vastness and connectedness — the spiral shape has been with me for a long time.
The title In Spirals is a combination of this inner attitude, the general form of the songs (loops) as well as the spiral-shaped phenomena in outer space.
NO UPCOMING SHOWS because I’m taking a
Baby Pause until Jan 2025 💜

STAY ON TRACK, darling
21.03 – KAVC Festival @ Maribor (SLO)
22.03 – KAVC Festival @ Ljubljana (SLO)
23.03 – KAVC Festival @ Ljubljana (SLO)
04.04 – Superbude (VIE)
18.04 – TURNING POINTS @Kunsttankstelle Ottakring (VIE)
21.04 – TURNING POINTS @Kunsttankstelle Ottakring (VIE)
25.04 – TURNING POINTS @Kunsttankstelle Ottakring (VIE)
08.03. – THE LOFT (Vie) w/ Mikk
11.03 – Brunnenpassage (Vie). Erdbeben Benefizkonzert 26.04. – Loop (Vie) w/ Geo.Popoff
03.05 – Café 7* (Vie)
07.06 – Garnissongassenfest (Vie)
08.06 – b.sides @ Café Benno (Vie)
14.06 – Neruda Sommerklänge im Grätzl (Vie)
15.06 – Kultur.Vor.Ort. (Vie)
29.07 – Floating Castle Festival (SLO)
01.09 – Lange Nacht der Märkte – Schlingermarkt (VIE)
06.10 – Dein Wohnzimmerkonzert (VIE)
11.10 – @Planetarium Wien
20.10 – Kurhotel Marienkron (Mönchhof, Burgenland)
22.10 – Sonntagskind @Kulturcafé Max (VIE)
03.11 – Café 7* (VIE)
24.11 – Hafenstadt (KLAGENFURT)
29.11 – Club 1090 (VIE)
Planetarium in Concert: Live-Musik-Performance mit Visuals aus dem Weltall
„Mit ihrer sinnlichen Stimme und weichen Gitarrenklängen schafft die jazzaffine Singer/Songwriterin Melissa maHoney im Zusammenspiel mit kosmischen Bildern und Projektionen eine atemberaubende Atmosphäre. Den Rahmen ihrer improvisatorischen Performance bildet eine Loopstation: Damit spielt sie Melodien, Harmonien und Rhythmen live ein und diese werden in loops (engl. „Schleife“) wiedergegeben. Ein vielschichtiges Klanggebilde entsteht, welches die Musikerin in Echtzeit allmählich umformt und verändert. Wie auch Himmelskörper sich in Schleifen bewegen und Galaxien oft spiralförmig erscheinen, entfaltet sich so ein Tanz der Klänge und Poesien: Ein Tanz zwischen Wiederholung und Veränderung, in dynamischen, kreisenden Bewegungen: In Spirals.“ – Planetarium Wien
Hi, my name is Melissa maHoney and I’m passionate about one thing like no other: music – the most immaterial of art forms.
As a singer and guitarist, my path led me from busking in the streets of my hometown to wonderful celebrations and events, which I regularly accompany, to unique moments at my concerts as a singer/songwriter.
At the beginning of 2020 I received an inquiry from the Planetarium Vienna. This project should be a very special one. For days I locked myself in the rehearsal room and worked out completely new songs with the loop station, which enabled me to create complex, yet very personal and intimate musical structures, completely autonomously on stage. Carried by a wave of inspiration that began with the Planetarium concerts, I now present my debut album of the same name, In Spirals.
The musical language I explore reaches from mellow Jazz harmonies to groovy, earthy beats, spherical timbres, and poetic lyrics. As a symbol for the circular dynamics of life and the infinity of the universe — the feeling of vastness and connectedness — the spiral shape has been with me for a long time.
The title In Spirals is a combination of this inner attitude, the general form of the songs (loops) as well as the spiral-shaped phenomena in outer space.
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